
An app for promoting ethical consumption

The Ethica App is an app that would assists consumers in making ethical purchasing decisions.

You can try out the Figma prototype of Ethica here.

Project Overview



One month

Project Info

Design Exercise


Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma

Consumers want to buy ethically made products, but when comparing two products how can a user tell which product is more ethically made?


Ethica is a concept for an app that would allow users to scan the barcode on a retail item and then receive a rating for how ethically made that product is based on individual factors like “environmental impact of manufacturing”, and “ethical labor practices”. The user will be able to view the overall score a product receives, as well as the individual factors that the products are scored on. These scores would be based on data sourced from established organizations such as the EPA.

Design Process

An item score from the prototype

Research Stage

Ethica was a self driven project, inspired my my own desire to consume more ethically. I often ask myself how ethical the products I buy really are, and I know that there are other consumers out there like me.

This project started with me conducting a user survey with friends and family centered around what would motivate them to consume more ethically. From this survey it was clear that consumers wanted to consume more ethically, but that they were unsure how to determine how ethical a product was. From that I came up with the idea of an app that would give consumers a rating for how ethical a product is, and made a few personas of who the typical users of the app might be.

The first persona for the Ethica app

The second persona for the Ethica app

Design Stage

I then made a user flow with pen and paper and then a few iterations of wireframes in Figma showing the action a user could take in the app. Finally I made a clickable prototype in Figma using the wireframes as the base for the clickable version.

Initial wireframe

Final user flow of prototype

Evaluation Stage

Next I asked my survey participants to try out the clickable prototype while I observed them for usability testing. After the testing session they were asked to fill out a short questionnaire relating to how likely they would be to use such an app.